Home Care Assistance Calls For Awareness For Simple Steps That Can Prevent Skin Cancer

Home Care Assistance Calls For Awareness For Simple Steps That Can Prevent Skin Cancer

sun protectionStaying away from tanning beds, seeking the shade whenever possible, wearing a hat, and, of course, wearing sunscreen, are four very simple steps that everyone can take to protect their skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. These tips are being announced by Home Care Assistance – Halton/Peel Region, the area’s leading provider of non-medical, in-home senior care.

This awareness campaign comes in a time where three million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed every year, with over 132,000 of these being melanoma, the most fatal form of the disease. In this context, Rick Heinz, owner of Home Care Assistance – Halton/Peel Region, urges people to take precautions even as the summer is ending.

These measures, he says in a press release, shouldn’t be taken only by those who go to the beach, but every time anyone steps outside. “There are some very simple rules that everyone can follow without much effort: stay away from tanning beds; seek the shade whenever possible, particularly when standing still; and wear a hat,” he adds.

Another important action that should be taken to avoid skin cancer is early detection. “A full body and skin check once a year should be mandatory, along with knowing the ABCDEs, which are possible indicators of skin cancer,” Heinz adds. Moles in asymmetrical shapes, with uneven borders, inconsistent color throughout, a diameter larger than a quarter inch, or an evolving shape, are indicators for anyone to schedule a dermatologist appointment.

Skin cancer diagnoses have risen dramatically over the past decades, with well over 3 million new skin cases diagnosed worldwide annually. In the United States alone, skin cancer cases have increased to over 200% in just the last 4 decades. As a result of the rising numbers, the disease has been declared a serious health issues by the Surgeon General of the United States, which means it is a medical situation that now needs special attention at every level of healthcare. While treatments and new diagnostic methods are being developed to detect and treat the disease, prevention is ultimately the first line of defense and the easiest for people to undertake themselves.

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